Audio-visual live DJ set “Arbeiterlieder” (workers’ songs)


with Jessica Unversehrt (IVI resident) and Anne Euler

“Beats per Hour” was a newly conceived party series, which premiered in the Frankfurter Kunstverein on that night. Consisting of two parts, the first half “workers’songs“ did play technoid music that reflect the capitalistically induced work pace of todays society. The second half of the party series, “Straight from the Uterus“ will take place at an unoffical event location directly afterwards.

The event was part of “Friday on my mind”
Friday, April 17:
5 pm: Special Tour: Cartographies
from 7 pm: Talk “On performance”
from 9 pm: Audiovisual DJ live “Arbeiterlieder” (Worker’s songs) with Jessica Unversehrt (IVI resident) and Anne Euler