Auftritt als Künstler


After 1960 an obvious shifting can be noted for the constitution of „Künstlerschaft“. Art of the last 40 years – from Vito Acconci to Mike Kelley, from Daniel Buren to Renée Green, from Lynda Benglis, Gilbert & Geroge, Bruce Nauman or Martha Rosler to Elke Krystufek – is more conscious and more offensive with traditional, mythic connotated conceptions of artist societies then it was before during the time of modernity. For the questions raised by the extension of the concept of art, by the emerging discourse over art and by the delimitation of spaces for the construction of authorship, these traditional images of artists reach operational functions quite often. This appeal while playing significant presumptions against current demands draws less attention on what artists are then how they become what they could be.

Prof. Dr. Beatrice von Bismarck is Professor for art history and visual studies at the Academy of Visual Art Leipzig and program director of the academy’s own gallery. She lives in Berlin and Leipzig. Modes of cultural production that combine theory and practice are central to Beatrice von Bismarck’s work approach. Among the fields of research with which she is currently preoccupied are the concept of artistic work, the aesthetic, social and political possibilities of curatorial work, the implications of globalization for the cultural sphere and the functions of the postmodern image of the artist.