Die Künstlerrollenverzichtsrolle


Since the modern age artists are admired as exemplary individualist, genie, charismatic and creator. Since the end of the modern decade and more often in recent times some artists withdraw sometimes programmatic sometimes more incidental the attributions and expectations of their own role. Is a new self-conception of an artist becoming popular? Is this phenomen restricted on a certain art form? Or did meanwhile ostentatious modesty just become trendy? Christian Janecke discussed these questions with Holger Kube Ventura.

Prof. Dr. Christian Janecke (born in 1964) studied art history, philosophy and sociology in Frankfurt a. M., Vienna and Saarbrücken. After a lectureship at University of the Arts Berlin and University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Janecke did work as research assistant at Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, at the same time he held a lectureship at Academy of Fine Arts Nürnberg, at TU Dresden and also at Palucca School, Academy for Dance, Dresden. Since March 2006 Janecke is Professor for art history at Offenbach Academy of Art and Design.