Antje Majewski, „Nest“, 2012

HD Video, 13:29 min, the edition box contains: HD video on Blu-Ray, HD Video (H.264) on USB-Stick, ProRes 422 File on Blu-Ray, certificate

Edition of 40 + 10 AP

680€ (incl. VAT plus shipping costs)

Exlusively for members

Antje Majewski’s video “Nest” (2012) reflects a complex web of thoughts on painting, on noting the visible, on animism and on magical practices and rituals. It shows the artist leaving her studio with a construction lamp fed by coloured electric cables and heading out into the night to bring selected objects, structures and scenes out of the darkness. She seems to follow a certain path that leads her further and further, to the point where she paints her face and hands in a ritual act, only to finally lay silver balls in a nest on the ground on an urban wasteland. Majewski had already used these silver spheres in a performance in 2010, referring to the “Steel Egg” (“Stalowe Jajo”, 1967) by the Polish conceptual artist Paweł Freisler. And the spheres also reappear in her painting “The Gardener of Mechanical Objects” (2011), which shows the same place near the studio. Majewski is concerned with the inner truth of things that cannot be described. One can only point to them, or cross the border and make oneself part of this world, relate to it.

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