Helga Schmidhuber, “Max” from the series “Buben”, 2014

Feather-Assemblage on Laser-Print, framed

29,4 x 19,9 cm

Edition 10 + 2 AP (thereof 5 for the Frankfurter Kunstverein)

700€ (incl. VAT plus shipping costs)

Exlusively for members

The works of Helga Schmidhuber deal with themes from the history of art, nature and culture using various artistic media. Painting is always at the centre of her work. She forms the starting point for her multimedia works, which are often created in series as larger groups of works. In many of her works, fragmented, sometimes only hinted at and alienated forms of humans and animals overlap to form collage-like works, which often show a bright, almost garish colourfulness.
For the series “Buben” (Boys), Helga Schmidhuber dealt with the question of what happens when you cover the face of a celebrity? What does his gesture say when you no longer recognize him? In the process, she collaged different feathers to conceal the face. All the people she portrayed for this series are exclusively established men in the art establishment.

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